Using InDesign

Magazine Article with InDesign

I was to find an article and use InDesign from Adobe to create a magazine layout using the pictures I have taken to render visual aid to the story in their proper place using: 3 Pages; 1 Spread, 8.375” x 10.875” page size, 2+ Column Layout, Break the article up with 3+ headings/subheadings, 1+ Pull Quote(s), 1+ Word Wrap (image) The target audience is one that would be reading the article out of a magazine. My main design decisions are based on a process of 3 design ideas put on paper with the article type in place to see what the end result will be.

Below is one of my example designs with my photos.

own design
Design and photos by April Arnott
Article by: Elder V. Dallas Merrell of the Seventy












Next, it is time to decide what typeface will be use for the title, subheadings and body of the Magazine article. This process is about finding two different typeface that work well together but have contrast that work well together. I chose to use: Franklin Goth Sans, title and for the body font and ar-dlanca ornament, for the heading and subheadings. This will lend the contrast needed for the eye to flow over the article and its parts to draw the readings attention to what the parts of the whole are all about.

Next is the placement of the photos within the article. The visual of the photos within the article gives way to photography skills that are needed. Notice the flow it gives to the reader to enhance the story.

Next, the decision on color scheme and strategy: I chose darker blue for the title and sky blue for the heading and subheading, last color is black for the body text. The color placement sets the overall tone of cohesiveness of the design. Notice how the subheadings are the same color as the sky in the photo on the first page. The color invites the reader to the whole piece that is designed in its entirety, within these next three pages below.

Page 1

own Design
Design and Photos by April Arnott
Artical By Elder V. Dallas Merrell of the Seventy












Page 2.

own design
Design and Photos by April Arnott
Artical By Elder V. Dallas Merrell of the Seventy












Page 3.

own design
Design and Photos by April Arnott
Artical By Elder V. Dallas Merrell of the Seventy












In conclusion, this design was put together with thought, a process of principles of design with an end-result that I can truly say I enjoyed putting together. Clearly each section of design, typography, color and photography skills play a part in the overall article and leaves the reader with a clear story that they will not soon forget.

Article by: Elder V. Dallas Merrell of the Seventy


Design and photos by: April Arnott